Nick said
Jan 11, 2007 @ 9:45 pmYou\'re a fucking Genius man, and your site is as clever as ever. Keep it up!
skergurllol said
Jan 6, 2007 @ 10:20 pmKudos.
The end. -
jakeukjake said
Jan 6, 2007 @ 11:32 amI haven\'t been on here for a while, nice to see the debate is still raging on and UKPUNK is as on the ball as a man can be, there are so many punks like that in the UK living off MOM & DAD even though they left home and shit WANKERS.. PEACE ALL JAKE.
Jovanny said
Jan 5, 2007 @ 5:08 pmOh what a treasure i stumbled onto thanks to Google!
Your site is full of laughs!!! -
andrew said
Jan 4, 2007 @ 9:48 pmwhat?? its spelled wrong?!?
strummerdundee said
Jan 2, 2007 @ 9:10 pmHilarious site. By the way, do you know that guest book is spelled wrong? Anyway, keep this crazy shit up because it\'s good.
ukpunk said
Jan 2, 2007 @ 6:41 pmI just read the hate mail again... Ain\'t it beautiful to be alive?
isabelle said
Jan 2, 2007 @ 1:18 pmhey there.. i sent ya an email. on ya hate mail but it was only because you contridicted your self..... but anyways i like your page on the hot topic punk it was wicked.. but anywasy hoep ya write back!
stay punk,
stay true,
live on,
rock out!
your punk princess,
isabelle -
ukpunk said
Dec 31, 2006 @ 12:16 pmpersonally, I love anarchy. Go anarchy!
andrew said
Dec 31, 2006 @ 1:09 amits not a joke. i meant everything on here. every word.
Imablackrainbow said
Dec 31, 2006 @ 12:26 amI dont care what any of those fags say, dude you are punk . If punk is about individuality why the fuck do they care that u made this site? ohh and those bitches who said punk has nothing 2 do with anarchy can screw themeselves. what do they think the sex pistols sang about 4 so long? keep rockin, Logan.
Kelley said
Dec 29, 2006 @ 6:01 pmI read this, and was laughing my ass off! If this isn\'t a joke to make fun of how punk is supposed to be about indiviality, but most \"punks\" have to follow rules, then I don\'t know what this is about
nice job i guess -
roni said
Dec 29, 2006 @ 4:23 pmwhy, thank you, baz...for that insightful statement.
dumbass. -
baz said
Dec 29, 2006 @ 5:42 amwhoever made this site is a retard and doesnt know wat punk is.sum 41 not punk bowlingg for soup not punk you not punk
JAKE said
Dec 28, 2006 @ 10:49 pmthis site is hilarious, i hate what it says but its all a joke
arealfuckingpunk said
Dec 28, 2006 @ 9:10 pmPunk isn\'t about fucking the system and anarchy and especially its not about looks. The looks are the last thing. You dont where them cause everyone else is wearing them thats called trendy. \"You have to be an anarchist. Anarchy = Punk. Make sure you smoke, since smoking is cool, and all anarchists smoke. Anarchy...what is it? Who the fuck cares! The sex pistols sang about it, and all the other punks seem to like it, so why not jump on the bandwagon? Be sure to shout \"ANARCHY!!\" at random people. This will show them that you mean business and you aren\'t just playing around. Since anarchy is about, like, chaos and destruction, you have to go around spraypainting stuff on walls and making taxpayers repaint public buildings since taxpayers are part of the system and...yeah, fuck the system. It\'s ok to hate the system since you take NO part in it whatsoever.\" Not true if your gonna be an anarchists then know about not just say anarchy and you dont know what anarchy is its not about chaos and destruction its about people living without a government its just these stupid people fuck it up. \"Alright here\'s what real punks look like. Looks are everything, so all you have to do is copy these people and you will be 100% punk! Pretty easy, huh? Yeah, that\'s what I thought too until my mom\'s sewing machine broke. Anyway...\" Looks are nothing yeah its big from the 90s studs and sppikes movement but look at 80s hardcore its not about looks or anarchy to be a real puck its about not caring about what others say, rebeling and standing up for what you believe in. Theres no one defintion of punk its a lot of things. You said you were born a punk but um you where born a POSER!!!
Aaron said
Dec 27, 2006 @ 3:12 amMy friend told me to come here. it Is fuckin hillarious. no offense, but i took none of this site seriously. (except the nice lookin layout)
MY BAND>> myspace.com/theissues1
OFFICIAL SITE>> issuesoh.tk -
joe said
Dec 22, 2006 @ 2:47 pmthe biggest load of bullshit iv ever heard......yet i loved it as if it was sum kinda holy book
Ash said
Dec 20, 2006 @ 6:43 pmrad.
honestly the REALLY real punk is the only \"non-poser\" punk because they started it all.
great site though. -
Maria said
Dec 19, 2006 @ 1:59 amSweet site. I haven\'t been able to laugh at people who can\'t laugh at themselves for a long time... Thanks.
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