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  • Pilot said

    Nov 7, 2010 @ 3:29 am

    I love how some people didn't get the point of this entire website. IT'S SARCASM YOU FUCKING IDIOTS

  • andrew said

    Nov 6, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    you guyz i no i said sorry dont be mad please i really don't want my mum to see this

  • cazadores said

    Nov 5, 2010 @ 5:22 pm

    omg, andrew, ur sooo hawt lol!... this sight made me laugh so hard that i shit little bits of old dried coagulated cum out my blood soaked rectum... i even started having freaky fucking flashbax from nam... and i wasn't even in nam!!! wtf!!! thank you for making my day mister andrew... now i'm gunna put chipped up chinese chop stix in my dirty dingy dickhole... then ramrod the fuck out my urethra till my prostate gives me what i want... now thats fucking ANARCHY... black block tactix can suck it... you want to be a real punk? then get naked... squat over a mirror... and fart my name three times in slavic... and only then can the true punk process begin... till then... get a clue and find the humor people... yeah, i don't eat oreos i eat cool j cookies... cuz i'm that fucking badass... also... what kind of soccer do ewoks play? endor soccer!!! take my wife please! i have no teeth anymore... i gave em up for ANARCHY. cuz thats what real anarcho punks do... well... that and thrive on baby wipes and sidewalk slammers...

  • emberlyn said

    Nov 3, 2010 @ 8:46 pm

    Anarchia no tiene reglas. ser punk no es como te vistes es como rebeldes. y si tu quires ser rebelde, piensa por tu mismo. no hagas caso a nadien!
    THINK FOR YOURSELF! they might own your body but your mind is over your control! fuck authority! fuck this sorry excuse or a website hahaha peace/equallity

  • PUNXGUY said

    Nov 2, 2010 @ 6:13 am

    Your my hero! Now I can be super punx rawk anarchy and smash the system with my new punk rawk clothes!

  • SHREADS said

    Nov 1, 2010 @ 7:20 pm

    Fucking Stereotype. You probably got beat down by a punk when you were a kid. What else could of inspired you to create such a retarded website. I couldn't imagine how much time you put into this. I got to say, I pretty amused right now.

  • SHREADS said

    Nov 1, 2010 @ 7:17 pm

    I got a challenge for you, come down to East LA and hit up one of the backyard shows talking all the shit you do with your pretty hair and fashion. I dare Really, Its a challenge. Email me so I can be there and watch all the punks lay you out and piss on your face. I promise you this. Go down to one of the shows in Venice Beach or better Huntington Park. lol..... When you wake up in the hospital from taking a beating, you will know your place bud. Can I get an Amen from all the other hate mail friends? I challenge you..... Get of your myspace with your Leopard Sex Pistols backround and go for a nice journey. Dont forget to email me so I can take photos and send them to all your haters.... I challenge you bud.....Cheers!


  • DANISH_PUNK_AFA69 said

    Nov 1, 2010 @ 12:14 pm

    DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!? this website is so fucking wrong 1 its not cool to be arested 2. you dont have to have a leather jacket or a vest and you dont buy the patches online you buy them at festivals or make them DIY. punk is not about apperence its about opinions and politikal opinions, it is NO drugs drugs are not cool. studs i can agree with. and there is no sutch thing as a punk cellphone its just a fucking cellphone, and you tryed to stud it WTF?! its just stupid and lame!. are u even punk ur self and if u are send me a mail on. and lets diskust it over E-mail cause dude you need to learn this shit from scratch not by being a wannabe and a poser so send me an E-mail. Arieta Arieta Antifacister! ps. FUCK THE SYSTEM!

  • andrew said

    Oct 31, 2010 @ 10:21 am

    You no what, your right. Thus is a fake website, Being punk aint bout dressin like one its about protesting and beliving.... and im not being sarcastic, i mean it.

    Im sorry all i hurt, And im not a real punk from

  • Girl. said

    Oct 28, 2010 @ 6:49 pm

    Dude, respect to you for having this website up; it's sardonic, hilarious, ingenious- and yet- infuriating at the same time. You have the perfect mix of, "Holy shit, that's hilarious," and, "Jesus Christ, what the fuck? This guy is such an idiot; he has no idea what he's talking about!" So, kudos to you on this ridiculously funny site. But, on that note, I really hope you ARE being sarcastic with this whole thing... otherwise, you're an idiotic poser who's got it all wrong and flipped around.

    Good job, man!

  • Sandy said

    Oct 27, 2010 @ 5:16 am

    Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. You made my day. I love your site and I love your mind. I couldn't stop laughing. Everytime someone mentions the word system I'm going to yell "FUCK THE SYSTEM!" <3

  • andrew said

    Oct 26, 2010 @ 2:08 am

    you're like the dumb fucks at the nearby college who protest for absolutely nothing. great way to spend time and energy, screaming for change you don't even need. yeah man, like fuck the government and stuff! the government is bad, so we should like make sum signs that say "the goverment iz bad!! i hate the gov and so should u or you arent punk like me!!" and stand outside the post office. that will show those government BASTARDS.

  • A TRUE PUNK said

    Oct 23, 2010 @ 4:56 pm

    We all have an opinion. This is the funniest thing iv ever read, we all no your havin a laugh and we all think your terrebley funny (Lieing) But heres an idea, try actuly being a punk for a day. Get a picket sign, write somthing againesd the goverment and stand outside somones 'imortans' house and wave it around shouting anarchy. I agree with some stuff you say, like the ANARCHY and RESIST THE GOVERMENT but punks just a fashion.... NO. ITS ALL ABOUT PROTESTING. I was looking through google to see if i could find any website about what being punk is these days, found this, and if this is all it is, and the goverments trying to stop it, well im with them. Punks a fashion? Vegans are shit? Thats not what being punk is about, so iv made my own website, called it tells you how to be a real punk, its got vidios music. And you forgot 2 bands chumbawamba and discharge. Try those bands and your a punk, then go out on a protest and then youll be a REAL punk. We all have an opinion, but you have the wrong one.

  • lexi conn said

    Oct 22, 2010 @ 5:55 pm

    satire hurts ppls feelings, don't u kno, stop it asshole. cripse.

    and btw does this mean i'm not punk bcoas i wear the same clothes for 4 yrs since i dont' like wastefulness & overcumsumption. or am i just a dirty hippy. cause of course i friggin annyoed by hippys and their "love" bullshit.

    ANARKY fuckyeah!!!1


  • andrew said

    Oct 22, 2010 @ 5:05 pm

    still am =]

  • john doe said

    Oct 22, 2010 @ 6:09 am

    i am offended. just kidding, your funny and honestly sound like you too could have been a punk yourself at one time. i mean whats more punk than calling out other punks on not being punk?

  • surf scum said

    Oct 21, 2010 @ 3:16 am

    dude this site is obviously a piss take and i think its fuckin wicked the hatemails the best bit. fuckin rad man haha

  • Erika Pittsburgh, PA said

    Oct 20, 2010 @ 6:18 pm


  • REAL PUNK said

    Oct 16, 2010 @ 7:23 pm


  • Duckie said

    Oct 16, 2010 @ 1:55 am

    This is the funniest shit I've read all day. BTW, fuck the fucking system, you fucking fuckers. >=D
